Fix a cable without ripping all your work back - Blog

Fix a cable without ripping all your work back

Fix a cable without ripping all your work back

One of the most frustrating things that can happen when you are working on a cable pattern, is when you suddenly notice that one cable is crossed the wrong way.

Your usual reaction is that you are going to have to rip out several rows to solve the problem but there is another way if you catch your mistake in time. It is possible to just drop down the cable stitches and cross them over the correct way.

Step 1

Fix a cable without ripping all your work back

Work across to the part of the cable that is wrong.

Place your work on a foam blocking mat and slip the cable stitches off your needle.

Step 2

Fix a cable without ripping all your work back

Rip back one row from the affected stitches and pin the loop of yarn released to the matt as shown.

Step 3

Fix a cable without ripping all your work back

Repeat the process, row by row, pining out each loop, until you have ripped out the row of the cable cross. Use lockable stitch markers to secure each stitch individually.

Step 4

Use a crochet hook to pick up one column of stitches ensuring the cable crosses correctly and place the stitch back on the correct needle.

You may need to unpin each strand of yarn but only release one at a time and repin it after you have picked up the stitch.

Step 5

Repeat for the remaining stitches.

Once you have complete the row and worked back the corrected cable will look like any other.