Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles - Blog

Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles

Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles

How many times has this happened to you? 

You are merrily knitting away on a rib band or nearing the armhole shaping on a jumper and reach for your tape measure to check the length, but you measure isn’t in your project bag.

We’ve all tried to improvise measuring implements or guessed (sometimes very badly) the length of our project.

Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles

Our new SmartStix offer a solution because if you have your needles, you have a measure. The metal needle tips and the cables on the circular and interchangeable needles are marked in 2cm intervals turning them into instant measuring tapes. There are also SmartStix double pointed needles.

As you can see it is easy to check the length of your project.

Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles

The marked up cable make it very easy to check your stitch tension while knitting. Here we have placed our knitting flat, being careful not to stretch it. The pins mark either end of a 10cm space as indicated on the cables. It is easy to count the stitches in 10cm.

Measure your knitting with our new SmartStix needles

We think these are going to be a very handy addition to our knitting kit.