Reasons to knit or crochet - Blog

Reasons to knit or crochet

Reasons to knit or crochet

Have you ever been asked why you knit or crochet?

It turns out there are lots of very good reasons so we’ve gathered them together.

1. Stress relief

The repetitive nature of knitting or crochet, making one stitch at a time, can be quite meditative. As you focus on making and counting your stitches you find yourself in the moment and can push stresses away. As result your heart rate and blood pressure can drop.

The research organisation Stitchlinks also points to knitting improving mood and providing a sense of achievement as other anti-stress attributes.

Reasons to knit or crochet

2. Keeping arthritis at bay.

In the past, arthritis was seen as something to end your knitting and crochet activities, but as studies by Stitchlinks have found both yarn crafts can take people’s mind off pain and make them feel more positive.

Better still, the Arthritis Foundation in America actually recommendsactivities such as knitting to exercise hands and reduce the effects of thecondition

3. Improving concentration.

For people who are easily distracted, knitting or crocheting while listening to a lecture or any kind of audio can actually help them take more in. The crafting occupies the part of the brain that might otherwise leave you gazing out the window or mentally composing a shopping list, leaving you to take in more information.

4. Dementia prevention and management.

There are ads around pointing to brain training games that keep the mind active to stave off dementia. When knitting you keep your brain active through counting, translating pattern instructions into actions and problem solving – with the added advantage of an end product.

Reasons to knit or crochet

For those already suffering from dementia knitting can be calming, promote social interaction and stimulate co-ordination. You can red more about knitting and dementia here

5. Slow fashion.

Knitting and crochet can be a way of combatting the “fast fashion” trend where clothes are only worn a few times and then thrown away. Countering this is the 30 wears movement which asks people to consider whether they would wear  a garment at least 30 times before they purchase something. Because of the work you put into a handknit or crochet item, it is likely to be worn many times.

In addition, in its investigation of the fashion sector, the UKParliament’s Environmental Audit Committee recently discussed crafting as something that helps people understand what goes into making clothes and one member, Mary Creagh MP, has advocated the idea of knitting lessons for all. 

6. Because you enjoy it.

This is the most important reason to knit or crochet.