How To Cast On Knitting With Two Needles - Blog

How To Cast On Knitting With Two Needles

How To Cast On Knitting With Two Needles

Regardless of whether you have only crocheted before and have never dared to knit, or have only knitted with double pointed needles, you will probably be interested in the topic of how to knit with 2 Interchangeable Circular needles. The great thing is, like with double pointed needles, you can also knit in round with 2 needles and it’s much more pleasant and also easier. In addition, there is no risk of alleys forming between the needles. You can do projects of any size from socks to loops without any jams and it doesn't require the annoying attachments of knitting round with a circular needle.

For this technique you need two circular needles with a length of at least 60 cm. We do not recommend using shorter cables, as this would limit mobility too much. We recommend using two circular knitting needles with different cable colors

During knitting, only one circular knitting needle is active, that is, one circular knitting needle is knitted with the other loop.

So that Form no lanes at the transition between the two needles and the work is more comfortable, simply let the end of the rope of the rear needle hang over it between your thumb and hand. Let the other end hang down. Meanwhile, just keep knitting with the other needle while the second one hangs and rests. When the needle is knitted, switch to the other needle.

To do this, let the needle fall from your left hand, grasp the knitted piece with your left hand again, under the rope that is allowed to hang in the last round. The stitches to be knitted will now hang on this. With your right hand, grab the needle on the stitches you have just knitted, at the same time you grab the rope of the circular knitting needle with which you are knitted out. That sounds a bit complicated, but the rope is already hanging.

10 Reasons Why We Love Circular Knitting Needles

Now you pull the knitted needle and bring the next one into the right position - to be precise up to the transition point between rope and needle. You drop the knitted circular needle and now push the left needle back. So you should now come to the starting position.

Now the other circular needle is active and the previous one rests and hangs over the thumb.

It all sounds very complicated, but when you try it you will see that it is not. It is very similar to changing needles when knitting with double pointed needles. And nowhere near as difficult as it sounds.

Of course, you can also simply pull the needle you just knitted so far that the stitches hang nicely in the middle of the rope. Then the next needles, tackle or straighten them. However, you then have to look carefully which needle point belongs to which rope. Here you can make your work easier and use two different colored ropes. KnitPro offers many different ways to do this. In our circular knitting needle sets you will find everything you need for circular knitting.

Practice makes perfect, so buy the necessary circular knitting needles and ropes on our website today and you can start knitting the most beautiful circular projects with just two circular needles.